Overview of the General Ledger

payroll has the ability to export selected payroll amounts to the General Ledger. Amounts can be allocated to a fixed General Ledger code, or can be allocated to a General Ledger code structure which is normally closely related to your costing structure. In addition, payroll can export provisional figures to the General Ledger to track the amounts required to cover accumulated liabilities.

Payroll General Ledger

The General Ledger function allows payroll to interface with a number of accounting packages, effectively linking payroll transactions with your chart of accounts. Several reports are available to view the GL chart as well as the GL transactions which have been generated.

Leave liability provisions

Leave provisions are exported via a dedicated GL provisions export wizard. This wizard exports only that leave liability which has accumulated since the last leave provisions export was performed.

State payroll tax provisions

State payroll tax provisions are exported as part of the main General Ledger export routine. These are exported on a pay-by-pay basis. Figures can be derived from the employee's "home" department, or from the payrun costing allocation.

Workers compensation provisions

Workers compensation provisions are exported as part of the main General Ledger export routine. These are exported on a pay-by-pay basis. Figures can be derived from the employee's "home" department, or from the payrun costing allocation.